ブログ - Tokyo College - Page 8


Historical Context for COVID 19 policies in Japan and Asia(2)


In my previous posting on this topic, I examined the history of quotidian social practices, mask-wearing in particular, which have been relatively distinctive in Asia in general, and Japan in particular.  This practice helps explain the…

Post-Coronavirus China

GE Zhaoguang

The current coronavirus crisis has had a serious impact on China, just as it has changed the rest of the world. Over the last four months, there has been broad debate and analysis among scholars in…

Tokyo College under the Covid-19 Crisis

HANEDA Masashi

April 2020 was supposed to mark a memorable month for Tokyo College. This was because entering the second year from its establishment, besides adding a new Project Professor MINO Takashi, Tokyo College was expected to see…

Universal Values and the Post-Coronavirus Crisis World

ZHANG Houquan

It goes without saying that the economic sector is the first to be hit by the spread of the novel coronavirus. As things stand, there are also whispers about a retreat of globalization. It is possible…

Identity and the curation of sites of modern heritage


As I write this blog, all of us here at Tokyo College, and all around the world, are living in truly abnormal times. For the more fortunate among us, the novel corona virus, aka COVID-19, has…