Media 2024.06.05 Interview with Prof. Roger GOODMAN Published in Medical Confidential #Media Appearances
Member Information 2024.05.29 Visiting Scholar Steffen RIMNER’s Article Cited in Ecuador’s Newspaper #Media Appearances
Media 2024.05.07 Ushioda Fellow Alastair MORGAN Appears on VOA and RFA #Media Appearances #Ushioda Fellow
Media 2024.03.12 Ushioda Fellow Alastair MORGAN Appears on VOA Korea #Media Appearances #Ushioda Fellow
Media 2024.03.01 Project Assistant Professor Xinyu Promio WANG Publishes Essay in Anthropology News #Media Appearances
Media 2023.11.29 Ushioda Fellow Alastair MORGAN Appears on VOA Korea #Media Appearances #Ushioda Fellow
Media 2023.01.17 Roundtable Series “Can AI Become Gods?” To Air on NHK ETV (Jan 22) #Media Appearances