GE Zhaoguang - Tokyo College
Tokyo College Professor

GE Zhaoguang

Other Affiliation National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies (IAHS), Fudan University (Shanghai, China); History Department, Fudan University Research interests East Asia and China’s Intellectual history, Cultural history, and Religious history
Period of stay January 1, 2020 through August 31, 2020
01 Description of Research

Since the 1980s, my main fields of study have been in intellectual history, cultural history, and religious history of East Asia and China, and I published the two-volume long “An Intellectual History of China”, alongside with several other titles. From 2000 onward, my interest gradually shifted to East Asia and started the research project “China in Neighbors’ Eyes.” The project focuses on questions including “What is China,” and “the internal and external in historical China,” etc. and these questions involves five keywords: territory, nation, faith, state, and identity. Research of this project attracted a wide-ranging discussion in Chinese academia about “how to understand China?” “is there a continuous history and tradition in China?” “identity of East Asia and China,” and “how to reflect on traditional empire and modern state.” Through 2019 to 2020, I am in charge of the initiative aiming to provide a “global history from China’s perspective” for the general public.

02 Short Biography

1950 Born in April, in Shanghai.
1982 Graduation from Department of Chinese and Literature (BA), Peking University.
1984 Graduation from Department of Chinese and Literature (MA), Peking University.
1984-92 Associate Professor, the Department of History, Yang Zhou Normal College (now Yangzhou University), Jiangsu.
1992-2006 Professor, Faculty of Humanities (History), Tsinghua University, Beijing.
2007 -2013 Director, National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Fudan University, Shanghai.
2006-present Distinguished Professor, Fudan University, Shanghai.

03 Publications and Other Research Activities

1986 《禪宗與中國文化》、上海人民出版社;in Korean: 禪宗과 中國文化、東文選(1991)

1987 《道教與中國文化》、上海人民出版社;in Japanese: 『道教と中国文化』、坂出祥伸監訳、東方書店(1993);in Korean: 道敎와 中國文化、東文選(1993)

1988 《古代詩文要籍詳解》、北京出版社;修訂版、《古代詩文集敘錄》、中華書局(2005)

1990 《漢字的魔方——中國古典詩歌語言學劄記》、中華書局(香港);2nd edition: 遼寧教育出版社(1999);3rd edition: 復旦大學出版社(2007)

1993 《中國經典十種》、中華書局(香港);三聯(台灣)(1996);in Korean: 中國經典의 理解、중문(1996)

1995 《中國禪思想史——從6世紀到9世紀》、北京大學出版社;2nd edition: 《增訂本中國禪思想史——從六世紀到十世紀》、上海古籍出版社(2008)

1998 《七世紀至十九世紀中國的知識、思想與信仰——中國思想史》(第一卷)、復旦大學出版社;In English: An Intellectual History of China: Knowledge, Thought and Belief Before the Seventh Century CE, Volume One (translated by Michael Duke), Boston & Leiden, Brill (2014);in Korean: 중국사상사、일빛(2013)

2000 《七世紀至十九世紀中國的知識、思想與信仰——中國思想史》(第二卷)、復旦大學出版社;In English: An Intellectual History of China: Knowledge, Thought and Belief from the Seventh through the Nineteenth Century , Volume Two (translated by Michael Duke), Boston & Leiden, Brill(2018);in Korean: 중국사상사2、일빛(2015)

2002 《域外中國學十論》、復旦大學出版社

2002 《古代中國社會與文化十講》、清華大學出版社;in Korean: 고대 중국 사회와 문화 10강、동국대학교출판부(2014)

2003 《屈服史及其他——六朝隋唐道教的思想史研究》、三聯書店

2004 《思想史的寫法——中國思想史導論》、復旦大學出版社;in Korean: 사상사를 어떻게 쓸 것인가、영남대학교출판부(2008)

2005 《古代中國文化講義》、三民書局(台灣)

2005 《思想史研究課堂講錄》、三聯書店

2011 《宅茲中國: 重建有關“中國”的歷史論述》、中華書局;in English: Here in China I Dwell: Reconstructing Historical Discourses of China for Our Time (Translated by Jesse Field and Qin Fang) Leiden and Boston, Brill (2017);in Korean: 이 중국에 거하라、글항아리(2012);日本語訳、東方書店(2020刊行予定)

2014 《想像異域:讀李朝朝鮮燕行文獻札記》、中華書局;in Korean: 이역을 상상하다、그물(2019)

2014 《何為中國:疆域、民族、文化與歷史》、Oxford University Press(香港);in Japanese: 『中国再考』、辻康吾監訳、岩波書店(2014);in English: What is China: Territory, Ethnicity, Culture, and History (Translated by Michael G Hill) Harvard University Press (2018)

2017 《歷史中國的內與外》、香港中文大學出版社;in Korean: 전통시기 중국의 안과 밖、소명출판(2019)

04 Honors and Awards

The 1st Book Award of China (China Book Review, China, 1988)
The 1st Prize for Academic Titles of Changjiang Award (Dushu, China, 2000)
Princeton Global Scholars (2009-2010)
The 26th Grand Prize of the Asia-Pacific Awards (Asian Affairs Research Council, Japan, 2014)
Paju Book Award (Korea, 2014)
The 8th Hong Kong Book Prize (2015)
Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award (2014, 2018)
The 3rd Simian Award (East China Normal University, China, 2015)
The 7th First Prize of Wu Yuzhang Award for Humanities and Social Sciences (Remin University, China, 2017)