HAYASHI Kaori - Tokyo College


Other Affiliations Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, The University of Tokyo Research interests Media and journalism studies Website http://www.hayashik.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ https://www.medi-gender.com/ https://baiforum.jp/en/
01 Description of Research

I specialize in media and journalism studies, and in the last several years I have been conducting international comparative research on the digitalization of media and the transformation of journalism in particular. In addition, I have been deeply interested in and concerned with the status of women in journalism and the representation of women in media for many years. In 2017 I organized a group called MeDi or “Thinking Media and Diversity Critically”, which is a forum where diverse stakeholders including media practitioners, activists, and researchers come together and discuss gender justice in the world of media. In addition, I am also interested in the just use of AI for the future of digital society, and in 2020, I launched the B’AI Global Forum to discuss AI and society within the Institute for AI and Beyond, which was jointly established by the University of Tokyo and Softbank. B’AI Global Forum is currently launching a wide range of research and educational activities. As a scholar of media and journalism studies and also as a former journalist, I have been quoted in the New York Times, BBC, and other major venues around the world on various issues in Japan, including the state of media and journalism.

02 Short Biography

March 1987 Nanzan University, BA Honors
August 1988 Reuters Tokyo Correspondent (~1991)
March 1995 MA in Sociology, The University of Tokyo
April 1997 Assistant Professor of Institute for Socio-Information and Communication Studies, The University of Tokyo
July 2001 Ph.D. in Socio-Information Studies, The University of Tokyo
October 2002 Guest Researcher, Universitaet Bamberg
March 2004 Assistant Professor at the Institute of Socio-information and Communication Studies, The University of Tokyo
April 2004 Associate Professor at the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo
September 2009 Visiting Researcher at Northwestern University
April 2016 Professor at the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo
April 2019 Special Advisor to President of the University of Tokyo
April 2021~ Executive Vice President of the University of Tokyo (Diversity and Global Affairs)
Executive Vice President of the University of Tokyo (Diversity and Global Affairs)

03 Publications and Other Research Activities

『メディア不信 何が問われているのか』岩波新書、256頁、2017年11月22日。
『<オンナ・コドモ>のジャーナリズム -ケアの倫理とともに』 岩波書店、227頁、2011年1月27日 (第4回内川芳美記念マス・コミュニケーション学会賞受賞(2013年))。

林香里編『足をどかしてくれませんか。——メディアは女たちの声を届けているか』亜紀書房, 2019年.
林香里・谷岡理香編『テレビ報道職のワーク・ライフ・アンバランス 13局男女30人の聞き取り調査から』大月書店、285頁、2013年11月20日。

「トランプ時代の米国メディア SNSの普及と伝統的ジャーナリズムの行方」矢口祐人編『東大塾 現代アメリカ講義 トランプのアメリカを読む』東京大学出版会、2020年、126-155頁。
「静かな国民 ネット時代における日本のジャーナリズムの行方」船橋洋一・G・ジョン・アイケンベリー編著『自由主義の危機 国際秩序と日本』東洋経済新報社、2020年、293-325頁。
「実名か匿名化か」の問いの罠 個人化する市民感覚との乖離 『Journalism』2020年7月号 朝日新聞社、58-65頁。
「建設的ジャーナリズムとは何か ネガティヴ性払拭へ 権力監視との共存必要」『Journalism』No.350, 2019年7月号、58-65頁, 朝日新聞社。清水麻子と共著。
「新聞紙の衰退にみる日本の「公共」の構造変容」『思想』2019年第4号 <公共II>、No.1140, 岩波書店.40-58.

<recent major publications in English>
“The Silent Public in a Liberal State: Challenges for Japan’s Journalism in the Age of the Internet.” In. The Crisis of Liberal Internationalism. Japan and the World Order. Edited by Yoichi Funabashi and G. John Ikenberry. Brookings Institution Press. Washington. D.C. 2020, pp. 325-358.
Boczkowski, P. J., F. Suenzo, E. Mitchelstein, N. Kligler-Vilenchik, K. Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K. Hayashi and M. Villi “From the barbecue to the sauna: A comparative account of the folding of media reception into the everyday life.” New Media & Society, 2021. DOI:10.1177/14614448211000314
Mitchelstein, Eugenia, Pablo J Boczkowski, Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt, Kaori Hayashi, Mikko Villi, and Neta Kligler-Vilenchik. 2020. “Incidentality on a continuum: A comparative conceptualization of incidental news consumption.” Journalism. peer-reviewed.
Okumura, N., Hayashi, K., Igarashi, K., & Tanaka, A. (2019). Japan’s media fails its watchdog role: Lessons learned and unlearned from the 2011 earthquake and the Fukushima disaster. Journalism. https://doi.org/10.1177/1464884919891270. peer-reviewed.
Kaori Hayashi, “Sources of strength of Japanese mass newspapers and their future: an institutional analysis”, conference paper for the 67th Annual ICA (International Communication Association) conference in San Diego, U.S.A, 2017. peer-reviewed.
Hayashi, Kaori, “Culture of the Print Newspaper: The Decline of the Japanese Mass Press”, in Handbook of Japanese Media, Routledge, 2017 (in print)
Hayashi, Kaori, “A journalism of care”, In Rethinking Journalism Again. Societal Role and Public Relevance in a Digital Age. Edited by Chris Peters and Marcel Broersma, Routledge, 2016, 146-160.

04 Honors and Awards

Alexander-von-Humboldt Stipendium 2002
Uchikawa Yoshimi Prize of the Society for Mass Communication and Journalism Research 2013
Abe Fellowship 2015-2016