A Call for Research Participants on “Plastic Waste and Women’s Household Practices in Asia and Australia” - Tokyo College

A Call for Research Participants on “Plastic Waste and Women’s Household Practices in Asia and Australia”

You are invited to participate in interviews related to household plastic waste.

What is the project about? 

This project, funded by the Singapore Government Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2, aims to identify and understand the dynamics associated with the consumption and disposal of plastics in Singapore, Australia and Japan to complement the national and global aspirations and ongoing efforts to realise a circular economy. This project will address the following research questions:  

  • What are the role of gender and other intersecting factors in influencing household plastic waste management practices? 
  • How have women engaged with household waste and plastics historically?  
  • How do localized and transnational social media discourses shape people’s practices at the household level?   

Who is invited to participate? What will be asked?

You will be invited to participate in an online or a face-to-face interview. The interview will take about 30 minutes to one hour. You are welcome to participate in one or all three interviews.




Token of Appreciation (QUO Card)

【Online or In-person】The social practices of household plastic waste management

21 years of age and above, and has been living in Tokyo or Kamikatsu Village, Tokushima for at least 6 months

1st Interview 3,500 yen

2nd Interview (by invitation) 3000 yen or 6000 yen

(Details will be shared during the first interview)

【Online or In-person】Lives before and after the introduction of plastics in the household

70 years of age and above, and has been living in Tokyo or Kamikatsu Village, Tokushima for at least 6 months

3,500 yen


Social media practices around plastic waste

21 years of age and above and regularly post on social media about plastic waste issues

3,000 yen

If you are interested in participating in the research, please contact Dr. Shiori Shakuto by email:
Dr. Shiori Shakuto: shiori.shakuto[AT]sydney.edu.au
Lecturer, Discipline of Anthropology, The University of Sydney
Affiliate, Tokyo College, University of Tokyo


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I withdraw from the project? 

Participation in this project is completely voluntary. If you agree to participate, you can withdraw from the study at any time without giving a reason and you will not be contacted again. 

What will happen to my information? 

Your responses will be used for research purposes only and will be strictly confidential. Only the researchers, transcribers, and translators will have access to the information collected. No one else will know your name or details, or what you say in the interview. Findings of this study may be published but individual participants will not be identifiable.