OKA Mihoko - Tokyo College

OKA Mihoko

Other Affiliations Historiographical Institute, The University of Tokyo  Research interests History, Interaction of Japanese History and World History, Social Application of History Website https://researchmap.jp/read0066505/
01 Description of Research

My original specialty is the study of the arrival of Europeans in Japan in the 16th century and the socio-cultural transformations that followed, but in recent years, I have been interested in the development and implementation of a methodology for historical studies to make research findings available to the general public. I believe that the era in which humanistic research is valued simply for its level of sophistication is over. Now that we live in an age in which AI are able to decipher historical documents, I believe that historians need to reconsider their raison d’etre: for what purpose and for whom do we study history? In Japan, we have plans in motion to create digital content for historical education materials that make use of research on rich cultural assets, as well as work together with local governments for the promotion of historical tourism. I am also participating in several joint research projects on global history at overseas universities.

02 Short Biography

2019  Cross appointment to the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, The University of Tokyo

2018  Visiting Scholar, University of Lisbon (until September 2018)

2016 Associate Professor, Historiographical Institute, The University of Tokyo 

2005  Visiting Researcher, New University of Lisbon (until Feb. 2008) / JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research Abroad

2003  Research Associate (Assistant Professor), Historiographical Institute, The University of Tokyo

2003  Completed Doctoral program, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University

03 Publications and Other Research Activities

Solo-authored Monographs

『商人と宣教師 南蛮貿易の世界』東京大学出版会、2010

The Namban Trade-merchants and missionaries in 16th and 17th century Japan. Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2021.


Co-authored Monographs

『大航海時代の日本人奴隷 アジア・新大陸・ヨーロッパ』中公叢書、2017(共著者ルシオ・デ・ソウザ)

『増補新版 大航海時代の日本人奴隷 アジア・新大陸・ヨーロッパ』中公選書、2021(共著者ルシオ・デ・ソウザ)


Solo-edited Volumes 

War and Trade in Maritime East Asia. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022 (forthcoming)


Co-edited Volumes

A Maritime History of East Asia. Kyoto University Press & Trans Pacific Press, 2019 (co- edition with Masashi Haneda) .


Translated Works

「대항해 시대의 일본인 노예 증보 신판」  이한국에서 출판되었습니다

번역가 선생님, 감사합니다. (『大航海時代の日本人奴隷 アジア・新大陸・ヨーロッパ』の韓国語版)、2021年


Major Articles

「統一政権とキリシタン」『岩波講座 日本歴史』近世1、岩波書店、2017年

“Domesticating Christianity in Japan: Kirishitan & Buddhism.” Cambridge History of Japan vol.1, Cambridge University Press, 2022 (forthcoming).

04 Honors and Awards

2011  The 4th Bunjin Club Grand Prize (Osaka University Faculty of Foreign Languages Alumni Association)

2012  17th Rodrigues Interpreter Prize (Embassy of Portugal in Japan)

2021  Prémio Fundação Oriente (The Orient Foundation) 2021