Distinguished University Professor TOKURA Yoshinori’s Research Group Demonstrates Multistep Topological Transitions Among Meron and Skyrmion Crystals in a Centrosymmetric Magnet - Tokyo College

Distinguished University Professor TOKURA Yoshinori’s Research Group Demonstrates Multistep Topological Transitions Among Meron and Skyrmion Crystals in a Centrosymmetric Magnet

The research group to which Distinguished University Professor TOKURA Yoshinori belongs has successfully demonstrated multistep topological transitions among a variety of meron and skyrmion crystal states in a centrosymmetric magnet GdRu2Ge2. These findings demonstrate that even a simple centrosymmetric magnet with competing interactions can be a promising material platform to realize a richer variety of magnetic quasiparticles with distinctive symmetry and topology, whose stability can be tuned by various external stimuli.

For more information, please refer to the press release.