宇田川 淑恵 - 東京カレッジ

宇田川 淑恵

研究分野 こどもの概念、メディア表象、少年非行、日本の少年法および少年司法制度、社会統制と逸脱、アノミー理論、談話分析 ウェブサイト https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yoshie-Udagawa
01 研究概要


02 経歴

2020年 クレアモント大学院カルチュラルスタディーズ専攻 博士課程修了(博士:カルチュラルスタディーズ)
2007年 セントラルミズーリ大学社会学部修士課程修了
2004年 青山学院大学国際政治経済学部国際経営学科国際コミュニケーションコース 卒業

03 研究業績


Udagawa, Yoshie. 2022. “We Don’t Become Adults, But Are Told to Be Adults: The Emergence of Adultification in Japan”. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, November. https://doi.org/10.5204/ijcjsd.2450.


2022 “Prevention or Reduction of Social Misperceptions of Juvenile Delinquency.”  American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting (November)
2021「少年事件報道の特徴と社会認識の関係性について―メディア研究の視点から」日本犯罪社会学会第48回大会, 2021年10月16日, オンライン
2021 東京カレッジオンライン講演会「識者に聞く『日本とワクチン不信』」コメンテーター, 2021年5月27日,ZOOMウェビナー
2019 “Media and Juvenile Crime- Investigation through the Public Opinion and Amendments of Juvenile Acts in Japan.” Regular Session Presentation, Asian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting (December)
2014 “Rights and Responsibility – Investigation of the emergence of entitled children and the amendment of juvenile law in Japan in 90s into the next century.” Regular Session Presentation, XVIII ISA (International Sociological Association) Congress of Sociology (July)
2013 “Self-Autonomy Concerning Choice of Sexual Acts: Exploration Through Feminism Movements and Enjo Kosai in Japan. (peer-reviewed)” Regular Session Presentation, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting (August)
2011 “How Enjo Kosai/Juvenile Prostitution was Forgotten in Japan (peer-reviewed)” Regular Session Presentation, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting (August)

04 受賞歴

The Oliver C. Cox Graduate Student Paper Competition, Awarded First Prize, The Missouri Sociological Association (October, 2007)
Riley H. Pittman Award in Sociology and Social Work, University of Central Missouri Foundation (April, 2007)
Alpha Kappa Delta, National Sociological Honor Society (November, 2007)
Central’s Graduate Student Thesis Award Competition, Second Prize, University of Central Missouri (April, 2008)
Claremont Graduate University Travel Award, Claremont Graduate University Council (2009)
Friedman Grant, School of Arts and Humanities, Claremont Graduate University (2010- 2011)