赤藤 詩織 - 東京カレッジ

赤藤 詩織

研究分野 社会文化人類学、ジェンダー、ヒトとモノの移動(日本と東南アジア間)、環境、リタイア ウェブサイト https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7105-7344
01 研究概要


02 経歴

2022 –      シドニー大学 人類学部 講師

2020-2022    東京大学 東京カレッジ 特任助教

2018-2020        シンガポール国立大学 アジア研究所 ポスドクフェロー

2017-2018        チームラボキッズ カタリスト

2017                  オーストラリア国立大学大学院 人類学研究科 博士課程修了

2012                  オックスフォード大学大学院 社会人類学研究科 修士課程修了

2010-2011        カーターセンター インターンシップ

2010                  オーストラリア国立大学 法学部卒業

2006                  マヒンドラユナイテッドワールドカレッジ卒業

03 研究業績

【Special Issue】

Special issue of Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, “Gender, migration and digital communication in Asia.” Edited with Brenda Yeoh. (in press, 2023).


Shakuto, Shiori and Yeoh, Brenda (in press) ‘Introduction to the special issue: Gender, migration and digital communication in Asia’ Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies DOI: 10.1080/15562948.2021.1955174.

Shakuto, Shiori (2019) ‘Post-work intimacy: Negotiating romantic partnerships among Japanese retired couples in Malaysia’ American Ethnologist 46(3): 302-312.

Shakuto, Shiori (2018) ‘An independent and mutually supportive retirement as a moral ideal in contemporary Japan’. The Australian Journal of Anthropology 20(2): 184-194.

Shakuto, Shiori (2017) ‘Ageing with bad-boy charm: An affective analysis of Japanese retirement migration in Malaysia’. Japan Review of Cultural Anthropology 18(1): 159-172.

Zuckerman, Ghil’ad, Shakuto, Shiori and Quer, Giovanni Matteo (2014) ‘Native tongue title: Compensation for the loss of Aboriginal languages’. Australian Aboriginal Studies 1: 55-71.


Shakuto, Shiori (2017) Book review of ‘Japanese tree burial: ecology, kinship and culture of death’ by Sebastien Boret. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 18(1): 95-97.

【Public Media】

Shakuto, Shiori (2020-2021) ‘Ethnographies and graphic recordings of work and life: Researchers’ Tokyo College. https://www.tc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/author/shakuto-shiori/

Shakuto, Shiori and Baldari, Flavia (2020) ‘Japan’s migrants are not allowed to go home’. Open Democracy. https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/pandemic-border/japans-migrants-are-not-allowed-to-go-home/

Shakuto, Shiori (2019) ‘Radiation migration: Motherhood and 3.11 evacuees in Malaysia’. Teach 311. https://www.teach311.org/2019/03/11/radiation-migration-motherhood-and-3-11-evacuees-in-malaysia/

Shakuto, Shiori (2017) ‘Japanese radiation refugees in Malaysia’. American Anthropological Association News. http://seaa.americananthro.org/2017/07/japanese-radiation-refugees-in-malaysia/

Shakuto, Shiori (2014) ‘Japan’s elderly in Malaysia, like shooting stars in the twilight’. East Asia Forum. http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2014/09/03/japans-elderly-in-malaysia-like-shooting-stars-in-the-twilight/


Shakuto, Shiori (2011) Translation of the appeal against a ruling to dismiss an application for unfair competition temporary measure. 54 Japanese Yearbook of International Law.



2021-2023       “Beyond Work-life Balance: A Feminist Anthropological Approach to Gender Equality.” JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists 2021-2023. Role: Principal Investigator. 

2020-2022       “Plastic Japan: The Social Life of Plastics from Consumption to Disposal in Contemporary Japan” JSPS Start-Up Grant 2020-2021. Role: Principal Investigator.


2022-2025       “Plastic Waste and Women’s Household Practices in Asia and Australia” Singapore Government Ministry of Education (MOE) Academic Research Fund Tier 2 (EP4) 2022-2025. PI: Brenda Yeoh and Natalie Pang (NUS). Role: Lead External Collaborator.

2020-2023       “Risks and Solutions: Marine Plastics in South East Asia (RaSP-SEA)” National Research Foundation (Singapore) and Natural Environment Research Council (UK) Grant 2020-2023. PIs: Brendan Godley (University of Exeter) and Suresh Valiyaveettil (NUS). Role: Collaborator.