Anna WOZNYポストドクトラル・フェロー Harumi Befu賞を受賞 - 東京カレッジ

Anna WOZNYポストドクトラル・フェロー  Harumi Befu賞を受賞

東京カレッジAnna WOZNYポストドクトラル・フェローの論文がHarumi Befu賞(2023年)を受賞しました。Harumi Befu賞は、Anthropology of Japan in Japan (AJJ)学会の年次大会において、テニュア職に就いていない新進気鋭の研究者による最優秀報告に授与されます。

受賞論文のタイトルは「Marriage-hunting: intimacy at the nexus of state and market forces」です。


This paper explores the entanglements of economic and political forces in the formation of intimate relationships by drawing on the case of Japanese “marriage-hunting” industry. Marriage-hunting (konkatsu), a term originally coined by sociologist Yamada Masahiro, encompasses myriad private and public sector services that facilitate heterosexual romantic relationships for a fee. Against the backdrop of rapid population decline and aging, marriage-hunting has additionally been defined as an arena with the potential to boost Japan’s marriage—and, by extension, childbirth—rates. Drawing on nine months of multi-site ethnographic fieldwork in Japan, including participant observation in marriage-hunting events and interviews with industry professionals as well as men and women who use these dating services, I demonstrate how the marriage-hunting market implicates individual desires in state reproduction. Specifically, I show how marriage-hunting professionals 1) mobilize population science to link individual experiences to state goals, and 2) rely on discourses of quantification and economization to portray marriage-hunting as a competitive marketplace. I then show how this conceptualisation of marriage-hunting as a market influences individual perceptions of status and desirability. Ultimately, I argue that the marriage-hunting market contributes to uneven social valuation of men and women depending on a mixture of ascribed and achieved characteristics.
